This past week I finally discovered Facebook...I think I was the last person on the planet to sign up. Since then, I let my bloggin' slip to the side a bit. (Who knew fb could be so addictive?) So to make up for it - here is the Farmer Family update:
Fiona is growing and growing and growing. Today we went to the doc's for a second opinion on some screaming bouts she has been having. She weighed 9lb 9oz at one month old (still smaller than the birthweight of her good buddy Jude). The doc's think she may have reflux and that the pain from the acid has been causing her to have these screaming spells. So daddy-o went to the pharmacy and we're going to try some Zantac. (Mom's not too keen on medicines, but after watching Fiona whimper herself to sleep after screaming for 2 solid hours several times in the past few days - we're willing to try something.)
I finally captured Fiona smiling while she was sleeping...hopefully I'll capture it while she's awake next time.

As for me - I'm working on being a good mommy to Fiona and pondering when to go back to work.
As for Will - he is working insane hours at Apex Equine and debating getting his PhD. He's applied for tons of jobs but God hasn't opened any of those doors...however the door for getting his PhD remains wide-open. Please pray that we follow HIS path and not our own.
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