What a fabulous birthday! My wish came true...I got to spend a ton of time with Fiona watching her play and grow. We played outside, we went to Marbles, we played with Dada's cows at the dairy, and saw a ton of family. Below are some of my favorite Fiona moments from my birthday weekend.

Fiona at Marble's Kids Museum pushing the shopping cart around. She is definately her Daddy's child...putting whole bacon in the cart!

We have now discovered the slide at Marbles and is our new favorite thing to do.

Fiona eating some birthday cake at Giggle-Giggle's house.

My very determined Fiona climbing out of the sandbox. Gotta love that tongue!

Fiona and Mommy petting the baby calf. Only a few weeks old. Fiona wasn't too thrilled when the calf tried to suckle on her arm.
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