Hope all is well with you - we're just chillin at home, working hard, still unpacking, and waiting for baby Farmer to get here....and no thats not a watermelon under there...

We FINALLY got internet yesterday night (yippee!!!) so now we can write to you as often as we want.
Some updates on life -
Jennifer is taking her nursing boards tomorrow (Tuesday 6/17...and I'm totally procrastinating studying right now by doing this instead). I am really not looking forward to the test, and feel slightly unprepared...but such is life. So what am I doing instead? Eating a piece of peanut-butter pie and a glass of milk - YUM.
New house/yard-guest: a new black lab doggy showed up in our backyard unexpectedly Saturday morning....anyone, anyone??? He's really cute but our dogs are completely overwhelmed and the black dog needs to go. If you want him let me know ASAP or he's going to the pound.

In the mean time, its been really hot and so we treated our pups to a new kiddy pool in the backyard - here is Foscoe just loving it. He even blows bubbles - its really cute.

Well, I guess I should go study. I'll post pics tonight. Love & hugs, Jennifer
You are HUGE!!! I Absolutely adore it! Can't wait to see you sunday! I am so glad you are in the new house and all is well. Love you!
Hey Friend! Whoa! I can't believe how big those maters are:) We have about 50 volunteer tomato plants this year. We didn't even start any because they came up on their own. Christian took out around 1-200 because our garden was BUSTIN' with yummy cherry and romas. Too bad we don't live closer together, we could swap maters:)
Good luck today.
Oh my stars! Look at that belly!!!!!! We've got a garden going now, too. I should post some pics... Wes didn't cage or stake some of the 'maters, though--boy, oh,boy do we have a mess on our hands with some of those!!! I wish I could come see you soon. I miss you bunches!
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