Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to get your husband out of bed.

"Honey...I think my water just broke." Is the one sentance that will make your husband jump out of bed like a bolt of lightening at 3:45am. I have never seen Will more awake in my life.

Since then I've been laboring slowly at a whopping every 5 minutes kind of deal. But she's definately on her way. We'll keep ya'll posted.

Love Will and Jennifer


Andrea said...

hooray! How exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it!

ek said...

woohoo! can't wait to get back to the east coast and meet her!

WondersofMyWorld said...

How exciting, I hope the baby is here at this point. I can't wait to meet her! Call if you need anything, even if you need just a little company or someone to run errands for you!

Megan said...

eeeeeeekkkk! i am so excited! i want to hear all about it and i cant wait to meet the little peanut!

Jodi said...

I'm sure she's here by now so...Congratulations, Jenn & Will! I hope the labor was everything you hoped and more and that delivery was safe and beautiful. Can't wait to see pictures and hear all the details. Peace mama!

Anonymous said...

Luke & I were on our way to hear Shane Claiborne Tuesday night & Luke wondered if you might be there. I told him I thought your baby was due any day now & you might be having it right then! Maybe you were! Hope all is well!