Sunday, November 8, 2009

Birthday and Fiona

What a fabulous birthday! My wish came true...I got to spend a ton of time with Fiona watching her play and grow. We played outside, we went to Marbles, we played with Dada's cows at the dairy, and saw a ton of family. Below are some of my favorite Fiona moments from my birthday weekend.
Fiona at Marble's Kids Museum pushing the shopping cart around. She is definately her Daddy's child...putting whole bacon in the cart!
We have now discovered the slide at Marbles and is our new favorite thing to do.
Fiona eating some birthday cake at Giggle-Giggle's house.
My very determined Fiona climbing out of the sandbox. Gotta love that tongue!
Fiona and Mommy petting the baby calf. Only a few weeks old. Fiona wasn't too thrilled when the calf tried to suckle on her arm.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Halloween is one of those holidays that I absolutely loved as a child but somehow forget to plan for as an adult. I just couldn't make up my mind on what Fiona should go as - so at the last minute I bought a t-shirt from Target and sewed a little rag skirt onto the bottom. Functional, easy, cute...and most importantly did not involve anything on her head.

We had a great time at our friend Oscar's party - he was one of our most favorite characters, the caterpillar from the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

After the party we returned home expecting trick-o-treaters, but had none. Fiona was thrilled to find that the bowl of KitKats was still full, and now every time we walk past the counter she points and says "Um um um!" I have never seen a toddler devour chocolate so quickly.

And now its time to plan for the rest of the holidays...Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and all of the birthdays in between. If you're on my Christmas list...and you know who you are...your deadline for gift requests is Thanksgiving. Just FYI.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall and Friends

I absolutely LOVE the fall. It is my favorite time of year. There is just something about pumpkins, the cool weather, and the State Fair that is rooted deep within my soul. Ever since I was a small child, I looked forward to picking out my pumpkin and jumping into the first pile of raked leaves. This year I've had the delight of watching Fiona enjoy my same passions as well.

We've also spent some time out with our friend Grace at the most amazing place on earth for toddlers called "Fit For Fun" in Wilmington, NC. A giant padded warehouse with a million toys and activities for 4 and under only. It was a mommy's dream! Thanks friends! Hope we can do it again soon!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Out of Town, Part 1

Phew, I've finally gotten a chance to write. I feel like I haven't been home in forever!

Starting last Thursday Will, Fiona, and I traveled from NC to Alabama to see Will's grandmother "Mamaw." The last time we had seen Mamaw was when I was 7 months pregnant, so it was past-due time to introduce her to Fiona.
Before traveling to see Mamaw, I had been warned by Lea (Will's sister) that Mamaw would try to fatten us up. And trust me, I know a thing or two about the Southern hospitality of feeding people...but I have never been offered so much food in all my life! As soon as we arrived, she gave us hugs and kisses, and then coffee, cereal, orange juice, and sausage-egg-biscuits (in that order). When breakfast was done, she said "Now I've got a roast with vegetables, cornbread, salad, and potatoes for lunch." Not to mention the sweet-potato pies, and two cakes she had baked previous to our arrival...YUM! I am all about home-cookin' so I was thrilled to be in Mamaw cooking heaven. Thanks Mamaw!

Mamaw is also an avid quilter and I was able to secure some fabulous tips on putting together my quilt-tops. Fiona also decided to take up quilting and borrowed one of Mamaw's hand-quilted baskets to study.

The weather was incredible while we were in Alabama. Fiona definately enjoyed playing some soccer with Dada.

We also got to visit with Will's Uncle Ed and Aunt Ruby while in Alabama. Fiona just thought Uncle Ed was a hoot and would just chuckle when he played hide & seek games under the tablecloth at dinner.

However, the trip had to come to a close, and we headed back home on Sunday. On the way home we stopped at a grocery store to give Fiona's behind a break from the she decided to help me do some impromptu shopping.

And once back to home sweet home we repacked the car on Sunday night and headed to Bald Head Island on Monday. I'll write all about that adventure and post pictures soon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Copycat breakup...

Well friends, I hate to admit it, but when I see a good thing going I have no problem being a copycat to whatever that good thing is.

Recently, my BFF Catherine (What Lies Within) deactivated her facebook account. At first I was shocked and in horror. I'll admit I threw a pity party that I could no longer simply fb her or just check her status reports to see what she was up to. But today I got caught up online between Twitter, Facebook, The City, email, and blogs. Its just too much.

I began to think how I could simplify this matter. I could link The City to update Twitter to update Facebook...but then I couldn't see what people wrote back on fb. It was all making my head spin, so I stopped into Catherine's blog and read this quote "The constant connection to a whole lot of people who don't all know me on an intimate level is not necessary to live a full life!" Why in the world didn't I think of that sooner?

Long story short: in T-23 hours and counting my fb page will be deactivated and I will relinquish myself to this blog (where I'll be updating pics), The City (our church's website) and Twitter.

Facebook, I'm sorry, but its not you, its me.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Just thought I would give all you Farmer Family Fans out there a little update on our lives since I feel like we are completely crazy and never see anyone anymore...

Will - got the news that he has been accepted into NCSU's phD program for Animal Science and will begin in August.

Jennifer- is working three 12-hour shifts a week in the pediatric emergency department at Wake Med Hosptial and loving it....drama, drama, drama!

Fiona - is crawling/scooting, pulling herself up to stand, takes baby steps while holding your hands, sleeps most of the night in her crib, says "Hi-Dada" (all one smushed-together word) when she sees Will in the mornings, is a complete mama's girl and will let you know very quickly if you try to hold her, and is growing so quickly!!! (Where is my pause button?)

For those of you who we haven't seen in a while, we miss you. I hope we see you soon. Now that we have our schedules worked out for a bit I hope we can make some trips. But until then...SMILE!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fiona's Thin Mint

You know you're in trouble when this thought crosses your mind: "Hum, my kid sure is being quiet right now."

Fiona found my Girl Scout Thin Mints...she sure was quiet, and happy...and covered in chocolate.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ahh, the book I read when I was a child that motivated me to become a nurse today. Yes, really.

If you have never read Nurse Nancy you should...its a great book.

I recently have started my new job at the Children's Emergency Department at Wake Med Hospital in Raleigh. PHEW - talk about busy. We are the busiest ER in the state. We also see the strangest and most outrageous things...things I never thought possible. And No...I can't tell you about them. Sorry! Patient privacy rules.

However, I can say - I love my job. Its wild and wacky, but very fun. So if your child ever gets a serious boo-boo come and see me. We're open 24/7...but mind the wait. Just cause you know me doesn't mean I can get you seen in under 2 hours.

Hopefully my schedule will even out soon and I'll only be working 3 days a week - which will allow me more Fiona time which may even translate into more blogspot time. Who knows - you may even get a video update of Fiona next time. :o)

On a humerous note - yesterday Will and Fiona and I went to the pool to get some much needed exercise. Will was looking at Fiona's swimmies and said - what about the diaper? Fiona wears a "swim diaper" which is basically just a cover with no padding - meant only to keep in solids...not to soak up liquids. At which point Will squeals "EWWW...she pees in the pool?" Yes honey, she pees in the pool - much like the rest of the people who swim in it. "EWWW...people really pee in the pool?!!?!!?" At which point I bust out laughing....yes honey, people pee in the pool all the time. For some reason - Will cannot get through his head that the majority of people who go swimming will pee in the pool at some point or another. I personally think this is hysterical as I watch him do calculations to see what percentage of the pool water is actually pee. He came up with 10%...I think thats a bit high. Anywho - to back me up on this. Who of you have peed in the pool. Oh come on now, don't be shy. Really - have you peed in the pool?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hello world!

Hello world!

Nice to see you again...its been a while hasn't it? Sorry I haven't been around to blog, but life has taken over in full swing. As mentioned in my last blog, I don't get to see Fiona or Will much due to work schedules. And right now, I'm getting to blog because Will is over at some friend's house (so he isn't here to say, "noo...don't blog, snuggle with me!").

So here's the updates on our lives...

Fiona is doing great! She is almost 6 months old and growing so quickly. You can see all her pictures on my facebook page. I update there more frequently than here.
Breastfeeding - Fiona has decided that she is too mature to breastfeed in public; or even during the day for that matter. Which has forced me to pump for her daytime meals. I don't mind at all, but it has definately given me a new found respect for "exclusively pumping" mamas. My hats off to you all.
C0-sleeping - Fiona still has not transitioned to her crib. She'll nap there during the day for an hour or so at a time, but will not do long bouts of sleep in the crib. Therefore, she is still co-sleeping with us (something that before she was born I swore I would never do). We hope to have her in her own crib by 12 months if not sooner. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment...but if I hear "just let her cry it out one more time" I'm going to smack someone. Trust me honey, we've tried.

Will recently got a new job working for Ohio State University assisting in collecting samples and materials for research on antibiotic resistant salmonella in hog farms. He works in the local NC hog farms and comes home stinking like them too. Its long hard work but somebody has to do it. We're just thankful he has a job right now. He is starting his application to his get his PHD at NCSU...but that will depend on whether or not the school has enough grant $ to fund him.
Community Group
Recently we were asked to begin our own Community Group here in Angier for Vintage 21 (our church). We've been blessed to have 2 regular attendees (thanks Emily and Andrew!), and we're hoping for more folks soon. Its been an interesting challenge to work on truely living as Jesus' disciples...but hopefully we'll improve in His will. If anyone ever wants to come we hold CG at 7pm every Wednesday night.

Jennifer just accepted a new job at Wake Med Hospital in Raleigh working in the Pediatric Emergency Department. I start February 23rd and am so excited but nervous as well. I'm going to miss everyone at Fuquay-Varina Pediatrics as they are all so wonderful. But life is one of those funny ever-changing things and it was too good an opportunity to pass up. I'll *hopefully* be working 3 twelve hour shifts per week.
I must say - being a mama is my most favorite thing in the world. Right now I'm laying in bed next to Fiona. Watching her sleep and holding her while she naps are my two most favorite nighttime activities. I love to play with her and watch her grow before my eyes. She's just beautiful. Thank you Lord for blessing me with her! I can't wait for more!

Well I think that about covers it for now. I'll try to blog more often, I promise. But when I've got a Fiona to play with, no offense, but she comes 1st.

Peace Love and Contentment - Jennifer