Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hi Aunt Sarah!

To everyone who doesn't know already - my sweet sister Sarah is living in Paris France until next summer. So Fiona thought it would be nice to post a video for Aunt Sarah to see how big she is getting. Fiona says hi to all of ya'll too.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Vacation & other tid-bits

Hey all,

We just got home from a fantastic vacation down at the beach with my best friend Catherine and her family. It was an amazing time of relaxation and learning. Catherine has a sweet little girl who is almost 16 months, and she is wild (in a good way of course!). It was so much fun to watch what we have to look forward to in the next year. Fiona was totally mesmerized by Grace's ability to walk and play and say "Hi baby!"

Will, Jennifer & Fiona at the Beach

Jennifer, Fiona, and Grace

Fiona showing off her beach hat.

On a different note, I am starting a new blog that will be devoted to deeper, more spiritual matters. It won't be for everyone's taste, but I just thought I would throw it out there.

Last of all, tomorrow I am starting back to work. Therefore, the number of posts per week will significantly diminish. I hope that I will post once weekly, but I can't promise anything. I'm assuming that the little time I will be getting with Fiona will be spent with her and not on here.

Well folks, thats all for now. I'll give you the update on going back to work soon.

Peace - Jennifer

Friday, October 3, 2008

Back to reality.

This Monday 10/6 is the big day...back to work I go.

I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed spending the last 10 weeks with my sweet Fiona. It has been a miracle evolving before my eyes.

I am currently in denial that I only have 2 more days of this before I will spend 40+ hours a week away from her.

I understand that God challenges us in different ways, and usually He doesn't pick something easy to challenge us on. I just wish that I had more instead of finishing this blog, I'm going back to watching her sleep.

Hope you understand. Love, Me